Pet Memorials

This page is dedicated to our companions who have passed on but have left us with wonderful memories of the time we spent together. If you would like to have a special pet added to this page, please email a few words about your pet and a photograph to us at

In Loving Memory of my sweet Princess, August 21, 2000 - March 20, 2016
You were the best little girl ever. My heart will forever love and miss you. Life on this earth will never be the same without you by my side. Rest easy my sweet girl…until we meet again.
In Loving Memory of MaeLee Galanos , April, 3 2014 - Oct. 14, 2021
You captured our hearts the moment we met you. From the day we rescued you at 5 years of age, you instantly became the leader of the pack and it was as if you had been with us forever. Your sudden death has ripped our world apart. Not being able to prepare ourselves for your loss, no proper goodbye, and no answers as to what took you that day has been hard to accept and process. Not a day goes by that we don't think of you, talk about you, look at your photos, share a funny memory, laugh, and cry. Your loss has caused a tremendous ache in our hears and nothing can and will ever fill the void of your loss. The bond our whole family had with you was so strong. You were our soul dog. You were so special. You were a one-in-a-million dog and we are so blessed that we got to have you in our lives for the 2 years we did. We were definitely robbed of time with you but we were gifted so much love and happiness while we got to call you ours. We love you, sweet Mae. We will never stop loving or missing you and you will forever be on our minds and in our hearts.
In loving memory of Panda, December 5, 2010 - May 12, 2023
Mi amor we're going to miss you every single day of our lives. This world with out is not the same, from carrying you upstairs, opening the door for you, feeding you... everything we did we did with so much love for you. Thank you for giving us a beautiful family, your kids Junior and Princess miss you and wait for you to come home. Tinkerbell goes around the house looking for you every day too she misses cuddling with you. Hope you had a happy life with us pandita. The most loveable, kind, strong soul. Flight high mi amor and have all the cookies you can ♥︎♥︎ Rest in peace mi niño hermoso ♥︎♥︎
In Loving Memory of Chief Navarro 10/15/2013-2/27/23
My Dear boy, you left us without any warning. Life with out you isn't the same. Your presence is missed by all of us, your kisses and hugs are truly missed. Rusty is looking for You and it shatters my heart to do thing with him without you. It feels so wrong. Please know how much we love you. I'm also glad you choose me, looking into your eyes and stroking your head when you took your last breath was a big honor. Run free my boy and stay close to Stanley. Love mom, dad, Justin,Joey, Adrian, Mont, Diamond, Andres,Row And JuJu. Your pack loves you!! Poem; They will not go quiet, the pets that shared our lives. In subtle ways they let us know their spirit still survives. Old habits still can make us think we hear them at our door or step back when we drop a tasty morsal on the floor. Our feet still go around the place the food dish use to be, and sometimes coming home at night we miss them terribly. That one place in our hearts belongs to them ...and always will. You will truly be missed my love!!!!
In loving memory of Miracle
You were a very special girl. We all fell in love with you from the day we rescued you at the age of 10. We are grateful we got to have you in our lives for almost 5 years. You will be in our hearts and memories forever. We love you old granny girl.
In loving Memory of Toby “Tobes” Tomlinson , Resuced March 8th 2010-February 2nd 2023
Toby was the most amazing rescue dog from the moment I got him out of an abandoned home. But he really rescued our family and helped us raise two boys and was the most loyal and loving therapy dog you could ever imagine. He never barked but watched every move we made to make sure we were loved, protected and taken care of. Toby loved other dogs and was the most calm soul that everyone adored. He will be terribly missed and there will never be another dog like him. He was so very special and truly changed our lives for the better. Run free my sweet Toby, my forever soul dog. We will always treasure you and never forget how much you filled our hearts with so much love.
In Loving Memory of Olive Hawkins, August 5, 2010-January 12, 2023
I cannot begin to put into words the love that was given to me the moment you were in my arms as a puppy, and throughout the entire 12 ½ years I had with you. You brought joy, laughter, comfort, peace and unyielding love. You deserved the world, and I can only hope your joy here on earth was matched by the joy you gave me. It is true what they say, I didn't rescue you, you rescued me. Mommy loves you sweet pea.
In Loving Memory of my Sweet Gordo, 08/28/2010 – 12/12/2022
More time...isn't that what we all desire when our loved ones are ill? Gordo's heart wanted to fight till the end, but his body fail him, though he beat the odds the last 2 years, the day we dreaded for was here.. we had to say good-bye to our dear Gordo and it broke our heart. He was 12 years and 4 months, and spent all his time with us since I brought him and his sister Gracie (who passed in 2017), they were about 3 months old when spotted at a parking lot and rescued. Gordo loved his sunny spots, bird watching and tummy rubs. He liked living life on his terms, but at the same time affectionate, loving to curl up on laps, or next to our bed, with his unique purr, which I will hear in my head for a long time to come.... just to think that no longer will I have my little grey companion sitting outside my bathroom door, waiting for me patiently...It breaks my heart just to think about it! Gordo was more than a pet, he was part of the family, and was a shoulder to cry on and a giver of love when the world made me question everything, he was true unconditional love, I will miss him dearly, He was my baby! I am grateful for VCA California Veterinary Specialists - Ontario for the amazing care since day one by in 2020, and support Dr. Stenseng gave to us and to Gordo. He made a difficult time a bit easier by giving us the time we needed to say goodbye, and be with him till the end. We will miss you Gordo, but I am happy knowing our years together will live on in our memories, you are GONE yet never FORGOTTEN! Rest my sweet Gordo in peace
In Loving Memory of Bella
Bella came to us as a surprise during a very rough time in our lives. Her young puppy wonder and excitement brought light in to our lives. Over the next 15 years, she provided us with an abundance of love and adventures. Thank you Bella for being the sweetest grumpy girl and providing your daddy with a best friend. We will continue to love for and care for your babies, don’t worry they are safe with us. You will be very missed, but will always have a place in our family and in our hearts. We’ll meet again, and until then have wonderful adventures over the rainbow bridge with Zorro.
In Loving Memory of our sweet Bella, October 26,2013 - September 5, 2022
You were the sweetest girl Bella, you were the joy of our whole family. We spoiled you and loved you every day of your life. We thank God he blessed us with you. Until we meet again, we will always miss you and never forget you. I made a promise I would always take care of you and never let you suffer. Our hearts are heavy, this home is not the same without you. Love you always and forever❤️ The Loera & Clazie Family
In Loving Memory of Lily Bear
We love you and miss you so much, Lily Bear. We are so grateful we had you in our lives. Thank you for loving us unconditionally. We will miss hearing you bark at the shadows and watching you slide down the grassy hill on your back. You were the best dog we could ever have! We love you! Love, Mark, Sarah, Chloe & Owen
In Loving Memory of Guapo, 02/15/2010 - 09/04/2022
I love you so much, my chunky boy. I remember the first day my mom brought you home. You were so little and chunky like a little meatball. I can't believe you're gone. I am going to miss how happy you would get every time I got home. Going on walks with you. Going to the dog beach. Cuddling you and just seeing those beautiful eyes every day. You were so smart and full of love. I am going to miss every single thing about you. Your love was so pure and unconditional and no one can replace you my sweet angel. Rest in Paradise my Love best 12 years of my life. ❤02/15/2010 - 09/04/2022❤
In Loving Memory of Titleist
Titleist you were truly my best friend, there for me during radiation by my side living in the car thru a violent relationship you're already missed. 4 years was not anywhere near long enough forever in my heart.
In Loving Memory Of Leonidas
Leonidas words cannot express what you meant to our family. Thank you for always being there for us, and thank you for protecting our family and home. But most of all! Thank you for the unconditional love you shared with each of us individually ♥️ I know you still watch over us. Love you always my baby boy. You’ll Forever be loved ❤️ Love, Oscar, Tina, and Hannah
In Loving Memory of Zorro
Our dearest Zorro, we will miss your gentle nature and the way that you would get so excited at dinner time. You made sure to never miss a meal. Your gentleness was unmatched even when you would get treats - no fingers were lost in the process. We will miss the way you asked for pets and the unwavering love you had for your family. The house isn’t the same without you, but you gave us the best 12 years anyone could ever ask for. There will be an emptiness without you, but you will forever be loved and in our hearts. Until we meet again bestest girl.
In Loving Memory of Penguin, June 5th, 2021 - September 2nd, 2021
Penguin was my first ever cat, and he was such a special one. He loved car rides, going to the park, and playing with the dogs. I miss taking him on car rides with us, he loved to sit up and look out the window at everything. He loved taking naps with our dogs it was the cutest thing ever. I thought I would be able to see you grow up with me, but your time was cut short. I wish I could’ve had more time with you I miss you so much penguin. But I know you’re watching over us now with Papa and our dog, Karma. Until we meet again Penguin I love you <3
In Loving Memory of Charlotte Rose Fish aka Binky, Jan 12, 2019- Jan 13, 2022
Our loving girl passed at home with us by her side after her 3rd birthday celebration. She was the best dog we have ever had, a dream dog that was perfect in every way. She battled osteosarcoma and amazed us at how brave she was. We are blessed to call her our binky baby. We love you Charlotte, love mom & dad
In Loving Memory of Gracie
Gracie was beyond loving energetic and smart! She was intuitive and full of energy. Always patient and willing to stay home when she wanted to be out 247. Gracie went absolutely everywhere with us for 13 years. Gracie, you certainly left a big mark on our heart ❤ I love you forever and will see you again one day my little pumpkin butt. You're my angel. No more pain my love.
In Loving Memory of Daisy
Daisy was the sweetest girl. Especially kind to other Animals. She loved her walks with our neighbor's dogs up till the day she could no longer walk very long. She lost her hearing a little over a year ago followed by her sight shortly thereafter. I felt so guilty the first night of eating alone. I miss her single kiss - when I got home she would run up and literally kiss me (not lick) she would touch her lips to my face - a simple pat, her greeting kiss. My sweet baby girl. My wife would say when I went out, she would cry sometimes for hours.
In Loving Memory of Bricks, 1/26/12 - 9/5/21
Bricks was a rescue kitty. He was about 4 weeks old when my daughter placed him in my arms and from that moment on he was placed in my heart. He studied with me, cried with me (when I was diagnosed with renal failure), and saw the world with me in my husband's truck. He later was diagnosed with renal failure that he succumbed to. He was my best friend and I called him my hubby bubby cause he was there when hubby wasn't. I also called him my handsome little man, because for many years before I remarried my 1st husband he was the "little man" of the house. He literally became a part of me. He loved in a way I've never had a pet baby love before and I don't believe I will ever have a pet baby love again. He was born around Jan. 26, 2012 and died Sept. 5, 2021.
In loving memory of Kassie aka Cassandra Elizabeth Cook
You were such a loving and beautiful girl. We all fell in love with you from the moment you walked up to me and licked my big toe. You were my companion in life when we needed you the most. You Saved us in this time of uncertainty. Best months of our lives! Gone but never, never forgotten – you will be Forever in our Hearts! Dad and Mom love you. Until we meet again! Keep being your playful little self….
In Loving Memory of Allie
Thank you so much for 16 wonderful years, Allie. We have had so many travels and adventures together. I will forever treasure those beautiful memories. You were the most loving and loyal friend a girl could ever ask for. You were the strongest and bravest cancer warrior Princess. You inspired everyone that knew you. Until we meet again, my love. Love always, Mommy, Grammy & Milo
In Loving Memory of Kenzie
There aren't words to say how sad we are to have lost our sweet Kenzie. Now you can run and play without pain. We will miss you sweetie - until we meet again. Love you always!
In Loving Memory of Ringo
We are struck with deep sadness at your passing. I am glad we had the chance to say goodbye and hug you many times. We love you Ringo ❤ We miss you already. We were lucky to have you! Have fun in doggie heaven. Bailey keeps looking for you and our hearts break for her. We miss you every day. Ringo you were a great dog. We are so grateful we got to have you in our lives for 5 ½ years. Forever in our hearts.
In Loving Memory of Tokyo
My little Miss Tokyo, you were loved so much mama. I know you are resting and not sick anymore. You have been missed and will be missed everyday. I am so glad you have been with me through the last 13 years. You have been a gentle, loving and unique furbaby. I love you to pieces my lovely. Mama will continue to push through and live a full life. I will carry your ashes with me everyday and your tags too. I donated your things to a shelter, so someone else can adopt a loving furbaby like you to make them happy like you did for me. I will sprinkle your ashes to all the places we had on our list. Love you mama bear. -Mama
In Loving Memory of Poppa, May 2010 - June 1, 2021
You had one job and you did it well. Thank you for protecting us for 11 years, for loving us and for teaching us unconditional love. We're proud of you and I know you will always be with us in spirit. Rest in peace my good, good boy. Never forgotten, forever loved.
In Loving Memory of Rocky Boy
Rock Rock, you were my companion in life when I needed you most. You have shaped me into the person I am today. I cherish our memories together and you remain forever in my heart. I hope you are enjoying a favorite toy in your next life.
In Loving Memory of Duke
Duke, you were the cutest little man. You always loved unconditionally and fiercely. I miss you every day
In Loving Memory of Chuy
Forever Loved
In Loving Memory of Guapo
I love you so much my chunky boy. I remember the first day my mom brought you home. You were so little and chunky like a little meatball. I can't believe you're gone. I am going to miss how happy you would get every time I got home. Going on walks with you. Going to the dog beach. Cuddling you and just seeing those beautiful eyes everyday. You were so smart and full of love. I am going to miss every single thing about you. Your love was so pure and unconditional and no one can replace you my sweet angel. Rest in Paradise my Love best 12 years of my life. ❤02/15/2010 - 09/04/2022❤
In Loving Memory of My Sweet and Loving Kitty Mocka, May 8, 2011 - January 29, 2023
I'm really missing you. I'll love you forever. You've brought a lot into my life. All the love and care that you gave me over the years. I won't forget you.
In loving Memory of Ziggie, April 14, 2008- August 31, 2023., Ziggie, Sergeant, Little bear, Lira
Ziggie, Sergeant, Little Bear, Lira, You have brought so much love and joy into our lives and words cannot express how much we are going to miss you. If we had only one word to describe you, it would be " PERFECT"! You were so gentle, easy, patient, loving, and obedient. You are now our little angel up in the sky! We know that you're happy and back to your best health, running and rolling on your back, just the way you loved to do, yet now you're doing it in the heavenly fields. We love you forever, and we will never forget you, " Ziggie, Sergeant, Little Bear, Lira"! Love, Victor, Elisa, Allie, and your buddy KeyKey!, and don't forget that you're a Lira!
To my dear sweet lovely girl,
I have never had the honor of loving anyone more than I have loved you. I wept tears into the ocean for you, and the day I find them again is the day I'll stop loving you. You were with me and loved me unconditionally for all the days I've known you. You had no teeth and your voice was small, yet you persevered. You were abused before I met you and you still somehow had room in your heart for me and my loved ones. I will always remember your lovely eyes and how you would sleep on me every night. I can't believe you've only been gone for a week. Thank you so much for sticking it out with us. You were so strong. You stayed by me during illness, homelessness, and depression. I'm so happy we were able to get a nice big house for you to play in for the last couple years we spent with you. I know you had to go though... I hope we cross paths again. You are so loved. I hope you know-and I hope you remember us losers down here. See you space cowboy...~
In Loving Memory of Chloe, Jan 09, 2010 - Feb 20, 2024
From the moment we met, I knew you were my guardian angel. You captured my heart and filled my life with great joy. For 14 wonderful years we shared a life of many adventures and unconditional love. You had a kind and gentle soul. I will miss our daily walks in the park where you would often stalk the bunnies but never hurt one. Your natural love to swim was truly a wonder to witness. I will miss our camping trips to the river where you always found the call of the wild. San Diego Beach days were always a time of great joy. There you found new friends, the surf and silliness while rolling in the sand. Though I am sad and miss you baby girl, I know you are in Puppy Paradise. Thank you for rescuing me. Rest in Peace.
To my Lisa, (LaLa)
I can't believe your life was cut short. I thought the day I adopted you on October 9th, 2022, that I would have so many years with you. I still remember the day I first saw you in your kennel. I know I didn't show an immediate interest, but Karly saw something in you. I'm so thankful that she told me to take you home. Who knew that you would be my lap cat. I always wanted a best friend to cuddle with, read with, workout with and just give unconditional love to. That was you Lisa. I feel robbed of the time I no longer get to see you and have you here with us. Now my days are lonely and unhappy. The entire family misses you , especially your adopted siblings. Not seeing a trio around the house is so unreal now. I miss you stealing my bottle caps, walking around with a toy in your mouth, or eagerly showing up for treats. But most of all I miss having you here Lisa. I never thought you would get stripped of a wonderful life with a terminal disease. I wish it could have been treatable or preventable. But the cards were not in your favor. Making a decision, and not at all easy to do, was so heartbreaking in all ways. But giving you a forever sleep, and making your body no longer suffer, I hope you know it was for the best. Lisa I love you and I will always love you LA LA. Until we meet again. Heavenly kisses and hugs to you.
Our Dearest Bella, October 31, 2009 - April 9, 2024
It is with the heaviest of hearts that our darling Bella left us behind to cross that rainbow bridge. The sweetest pup with a love for snow and running, she was lively even when she became ill. Mom and Dad will miss how you always curled up with them in bed, Dad especially. Even though it was hard sometimes, Mom loved cooking you meals and seeing you eat them all up with a smile, she misses you greatly. Andrew will miss the way your tail curled and wagged whenever he fed you pizza crust. Stephanie will miss how expressive you were, always tilting your head curiously to every new thing. Misty will miss her big yet baby sister, and how you always kept her safe. Luna will miss seeing you resting on the bed. And I will miss my cuddly baby, who always knew when I needed attention and hugs. You were the best dog we could ever ask for, our Bella, you were a warrior, you stayed so strong for all of us, never wanting to show your illness to us. We are so proud of how strong you were. Whenever it snows, we will always think of you, our snow dog, Bella.
Our Precious Misty, May 19th 2006 - June 12th, 2024
It is with the heaviest of hearts that our precious Misty has also left us to cross that rainbow bridge to be with her sister, Bella. The kindest pup, always taking care of all of us, including our dear Bella. You stayed with us for as long as you could, even after losing your little sister. We know it was hard, and we are so thankful you stayed that extra month to make sure we were okay. Mom and Dad will miss the way you always curled up between them for bed. Mom misses how you used to get so excited and dance when anyone came home or gave you snacks, and also how she could always find you sleeping in front of our fireplace. Andrew misses how you used to playfully howl with us all when we were playing, along with your morning greetings after a long day at work. Stephanie misses how she could always find you sunbathing by the big window during summer, one of your favorite seasons. Dad misses the way you used to sit on his shoulder like a little parrot, always cuddling up to him. Luna misses seeing you wandering and hopping from bed to bed. And I will miss the way you curled up with me everywhere. You will always be my puppy, my precious little Misty, whom I shared everything with. I'm happy I got to hold you for the last time, and not a day goes by where I don't miss you with all my heart. We are all so thankful we got to share 18 wonderful years with you, and we wish you could have shared so many more. Thank you for always taking care of us, we know you'll be taking care of Bella again, up there in heaven. Whenever the light shines through the window in your favorite spot, we will always think of you, our sunshine puppy, Misty.
In loving memory of my Buckle Barrios, February 14 2008 -May 6 2024
You will always be my handsome boy in world. You will truly be missed. I believe Heaven couldn't wait and took you too soon. For last 16 years with you in my life I will treasure every memory I had with you. I love you with all my heart and soul. I can't wait to be with you again. I know you will be watching over me. Mucho besos BUCKLE TE AMO Y TE EXTRANO MUCHO REST IN PEACE MY BABY BOY LOVE ALWAYS, MOMMY
In loving memory of Penne Sanchez, 2016-2024
you were with us for a short time physically, but your paws will walk beside us forever spiritually. We love you our sweet girl.
In Loving Memory of Copper Hedlund
You were my best friend that always was there for me no matter what I will always love you and never forget you rest in peace MY COPPER BOY
In Loving Memory of Ryker
The goodest boy ❤️ I love you so much and miss you everyday you will always be in our hearts. I love you forever.
In Loving Memory of Misty, 5/6/2006 - 3/11/2024
Misty was a very good girl. She love her brother's and especially her human pet's. She was very talkative and ran the house. We miss her so much Misty we love you. You will forever be in our hearts.
In Loving Memory of O.Z., 8/24/2010 - 8/24/2024
Oz was a firey dog. He was so much fun for only being 7lbs. He loved walks with his brothers, getting his treats. He mostly love giving kisses and snuggle time. He loved his human pet's but he really loved his mom their bond was unbreakable and still is. He will be missed but we will meet again on the other side of the rainbow